Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 1

And so it goes. As of right now this is simply one of a multitude of attempts at recording my life undertaken since I was probably around 8-years-old. I'd like to flatter myself and say that I have more interesting things to write about at 18-years-old than Beanie Babies and Sailor Moon, but who know- those Sailor Scouts still hold my heart.

I doubt that my habits or dedication to chronicling have much improved, but perhaps the combined photojournalism format of this will aid in that.
I don't have much faith, but I have a lot of hope.


You know you're a lazy college student when, upon realizing you have run out of forks, you use chopsticks to eat mandarin oranges out of a can. So uncivilized!

Actually, what probably most epitomizes the college experience about this picture is that this was my dinner. I have 6 weeks left in my first year at UCSD and probably one of the most prominent experiences I have had as a big, bad college student is the horror of dorm food. How foolish I was when I first came here. A poor deluded thing, taken in and beguiled by the food at orientation. I remember thinking that it was not so bad; it was actually passable. Little did I know that that mediocre level was as good as it was going to get. It has been but a sad descent into greasy Chinese food and strange, mangled recipes since then.

UCSD: good education and bad eats.

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