Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 2

The overriding feeling I've had coloring my days for the past two weeks is tired. Just yawning all the time, can barely keep my eyes open, can't think straight bone-tired. My earliest class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays is at 9AM, meaning I have to get up at 8 or earlier depending on what I need to do to get ready that morning. That's not an inordinately early time, I've had to get up earlier and with less sleep before (Last year 5 hours of sleep was par for the course.)
It's really strange to compare where I was last year and where I am this year and realize how much is different, including my sleeping schedule and tolerance for little to no sleep. Oh, to be that tenacious, invincible 17-year-old again!

I never want to get out of bed in the morning when my comforter and pillow are loving me so softly. Probably also because I never want to climb down that death trap the school has the audacity to call a ladder. It's my fault for going to bed so late when I know I have to get up early, but there are always so many distracting things. People in the common room, my suitemates talking or snacking. I just want to be in the midst of it, even if it's nothing too exciting. At night I never want to leave enjoyable, joyful company for bed but then unfortunately I never want to leave the company of my bed in the morning.

Early to bed, early to rise... something I seem utterly unable to accomplish.

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